Europeana Semantic Elements Update - ESE v3.3


Europeana has just published the updated Europeana Semantic Elements, version v3.3.
Please find any detail information about the new version and complementary guidelines at

Essentially, two new elements have been introduced that are quite important for content providers:
  • europeana:dataProvider
    This element will contain the name of the original contributor of the object, in addition to the europeana:provider element which contains the name of the aggregator, in our case ATHENA.
    It is used for display of search results and by providing this element the content provider can keep control on how it's name appears in the Europeana environment.

  • europeana:rights
    This element allows for indicating the copyright of the digital object (as specified by the isShownBy and isShownAt element), so in ATHENA most often of the digital image, and possibly further metadata/ information provided.
    The rights have to be expressed as a URL that leads either to a Europeana rights statement or a Creative Commons rights statement.
ATHENA is currently in the process of updating the LIDO to ESE transformation, with the objective to provide Europeana with ESE-v3.3 compliant records that include also the above elements.